Saturday, February 26, 2011

The Blue Mat Girl

Once a smiley woman met a blue mat girl on the train. The blue mat girl was crying. On her way back the smiley woman saw the blue mat girl again, and she told her son: "Look, the blue mat girl again!", and the son: "Oh yes, the blue mat girl!". She looked at the blue mat girl and she told her:"I prayed for you. Why are you crying? Did you receive bad news from home?". The blue mat girl said:" No, I did not". The smiley woman: " So let it go, forget about it, it cannot be anything important". The blue mat girl said: "Thank you".

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

The most tremendous things can happen, and, even if we always thought it was impossible to survive them, we actually move on, in one way or in the other. I am surprised.

Sunday, February 20, 2011

too awake, too awake. I have to plan my life. Should I be excited???

Thursday, February 10, 2011

My elephant says that emptiness is the worst thing. He says that elephants' heart is made of many parts, but sometimes one of them is cut away. It is painful, it is as if they were cutting his proboscis or a piece of his big ears, and the stubborn elephant fights until the very end not to lose it. But when it is gone it is gone, and the elephant can only accept it. Sometimes it is hard to understand: Why should someone do that to you? But it happens, and there is no explanation. Many things are not under our control and we just have to accept them.